Yeah, I don't think you can get Windows to work on Mac, since Mac is compatible with Linux or whatever OS they use. Mac sucks for games. Maybe you can get a PC with Christmas money or on your birthday. A laptop is cheaper i think. You can get one for 500 dollars probably. We got lei here in Romania, my brother paid 1500 lei for a good PC with monitor. I paid 500 lei for a windows 10.
I'm not very good at drawing, I tried to draw medic one time, but it didn't look good lol. I only play dustbowl loll. I got 3000 hours in TF2 and I main medic, and soldier from time to time, how many hours do you have? Hey, tell you what, when you get that PC going, maybe we could play a match together or something.
haha... yeah...
Legit, don´t trust Apple ever. Their earlier shit was the bomb but ever since Mr.Apple himself died, his company turned into a jewish stereotype constantly nickle-and-diming you for subpar shit. Best you either learn how to build a computer yourself, since it's way cheaper and reliable than prebuilts or just buying a used computer.
Really. Apple ( at least Macs ) used to be good, but it became total crap since they stopped to support 32bit apps & to update older model ( yet, they pretend to care about environment.. ). Imagine making your products & repair services overpriced only for the devices to support less apps... I had this Mac since years, but I would have opted for other PCs if battery life & high graphics weren't my priority.
I would absolutely love to build a computer myself, but I checked the prices weeks ago & I cannot afford the material. Plus I don't even have my own room nor a desk to place it.
I stopped to trust used material because of personal experience. Where I am, you can buy something marked as 'refurbished' only to end up paying the price of the new thing in repairs for it to only work for 1 year max.
Hopefully my situation can get better & I will be able to build my own computer. I really want to do this someday.